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barker noun bark·â€‹er|\bär-kÉ™r\
a person who stands at the entrance to a show and tries to attract people to it
GOD is the ultimate attraction!
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke and exhort...
2nd Timothy 4:2
Christian Hip-Hop
worship rap
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Originally from Detroit, I now reside in AZ with my amazing wife. I was living a secular, worldly existence for many years. Alcohol and MJ were a large part of my life and the music I wrote. Although I believed, I was truly set on fire and saved in December 2020. I have since given my life to Christ and have been writing music to Glorify the Lord. If I can at least get one person to pick up a Bible or "get right with Jesus", my purpose will be fulfilled!​
I believe God is moving and doing amazing things in this time. He is reviving His church; to God be all the Glory!
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